We got our  first female whose full name is Natali Borntobe Wakizashi of Tianito in 2021. And it was one of the best decisions we made in our lives.

Before the acquisition came a lot of furnishings, but at the same time eagerness when the little one will be with us at home. First of all, we found out all the necessary information about this breed. We read about what health problems this breed can have, what activities to avoid with it and in what to develop them. Our priority was to provide little Natali with the best home. With all these questions, the breeder helped us, to whom we are very grateful.

Dreams come true and now we have two beautiful Corgi females. The second female Bora Bora Beach came into our lives in year 2022 from kennel Born to Be. By this way we would like to say big Thank you! to Alexanda Trefán – Török and Sándor Trefán (Born to Be corgis) because if it hadn’t been  them we would never have such beautiful girls like we have now.

Countless times we’ve heard from Corgi owners: “If you get a Corgi, you definitely won’t stay with just one”. And it’s true. Their amazing nature, temperament and appearance will enchant you so much that it is difficult to resist the temptation to have another fox at home.

The goal of our kennel is to have healthy and successful puppies that will have a loving home.